Friday, January 11, 2013

KimSPIRATION: This Too Shall Pass

Hey y'all!

I know for myself that the last year has created an opportunity for me to grow as a person because of the experiences that I've had. I will not go into details but surely, those have taught me lessons. Part of my goals starting this year, is to fill myself with more optimism and surround myself with inspiring things and people. As I am now revamping my blog, I will post things that inspire me, hoping that I get to pass on that inspiration to anybody reading it.

Before I finally call it a day, my inspiration for tonight is...

Let's always bear in mind that whatever hardship that we're facing will not be there forever. It is only God's test, and giving up will not only mean failing yourself but you also fail God. He will not give that challenge to you if He knows that you can't endure it.

I want to share this promise of God to us; taken from the book "A Pocketful of Promises" :

Don't give up, but stand firm. I (God) have given you the strength to endure hard times and come through victoriously.Your triumphs don't depend on you alone. Lean on Me, and I will help you reach your goal. Your life is in the palm of My hand, and your future is secure with me. 

If it's not always sunshine, remember, there's always a sunshine after the rain. Am I making sense? lol
Whenever we face difficulty, call on God. He will cross that bridge with you. My life lately has been amazing because I never failed to talk to God; when I'm faced with a problem, I pray, it's marvelous that I instantly feel light and worry-free. Not only that I feel it, but my problem is gradually unfolding into a solution.  God is indeed true to His promise.

~ Geline

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