Thursday, February 16, 2012


Hallo, lovelies!

Valentine's Day has passed; I've seen innumerable happy couples, singles who spent time with their family and a handful of unhappy ones for no date or failed dates! I, myself, had no date because for the obvious reason--my hubby doodle is away.

I had the whole V-Day spent with my darling 'lil princess. We spent the day playing, cuddling, feeding, poo.....OK! 'nuff said. Basically, whatever a mother and baby does everyday. xD

Despite how simple it might seem, I can still say it was one of the most fulfilling Valentine's Day I've had in my entire life. There's just this mother and child connection and bonding that even the most brilliant scientist can not fathom.

How about you? How was your V-Day 2012? 

We'll be glad to read experiences here! :p

Catch ya later!

Love lots,
Geline <3

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day? I like it Valentine's DayS better :)

Hello, lovelies! I made it to a point that my next post would be about Valentine's day. I want it to be a romantic post. weh????  Anyway, Valentine's day would be tomorrow ( Philippine time) and I know that a lot of couples are super excited about it. I actually had some friends who asked for my opinion on which restaurant would be nice to have a date, what would be a perfect gift for their partner, what to wear on their date so on and so forth.

I'm happy to help out and I can't stop myself from thinking about what my day would be tomorrow. My hubby/best friend/partner in crime is unfortunately not with me as I write this because he's working in Australia. I remember that last year was the first Valentine's Day date I've ever had. I had past relationships but I never got to have a date on a Feb. 14 because of...

  • Long distance relationship
  • Long distance relationship
  • Long distance relationship
  • ................................... 
I just realized that I've been a lover of LDR...nah!!! I actually hate it but I didn't have any choice. Last year's Vday was very memorable for me because of three things:

  • It was a first for me.
  • My THEN-Bf-now-hubby made an effort in making this...

Story: He told me that he has a make up class (English academy) when in fact he didn't and he just needed some time away from me to buy these stuff. We were inseparable. Then he stayed up until 3am to blow the balloons so the first thing I saw when I woke up was this. My Vday started with a bang!!! <3 

  • Third, the guy who made it all possible will be with me from now and forever...

Some of the pictures during our Vday Date:

HIM: Stop staring at her, she's mine!!!
HER: I'm his private property

How time flies!!! It seems only yesterday and now I miss my hubby more. T.T *sad face*

If you're single or your partner is away, you can still celebrate Valentine's Day. For the singles, you can celebrate it with your family. They are the first people who loves you and you loved in return. This maybe the chance that God has provided you to have some quality time with them. For those whose partner is away, make a call; remind him/her of your undying love and admiration. Having a long distance relationship is such a challenge and the success of it depends on the effort that you put into it and how willing the both of you to make it work despite the odds. 

However, I think that Valentine's Day should not just be celebrated once a year but rather 365 days. Make the most of the time that you spend with your loved ones for you will never know until when you can be together.

Nevertheless, I thank the genius people who created the "Valentine's Day" date for this is one of the instances when love overflows in our insane world. Aside from Christmas season. :)

How do you plan on spending your V-Day? ^__^

Love, love, love forever!!!

Love lots,
Geline <3